Routledge Advances in Game Studies: The Dark Side of Game Play : Controversial Issues in Playful Environments (2015, Hardcover) by download ebook MOBI, DJV, FB2


Games allow players to experiment and play with subject positions, values and moral choice. In game worlds players can take on the role of antagonists; they allow us to play with behaviour that would be offensive, illegal or immoral if it happened outside of the game sphere. While contemporary games have always handled certain problematic topics, such as war, disasters, human decay, post-apocalyptic futures, cruelty and betrayal, lately even the most playful of genres are introducing situations in which players are presented with difficult ethical and moral dilemmas. This volume is an investigation of "dark play" in video games, or game play with controversial themes as well as controversial play behaviour. It covers such questions as: Why do some games stir up political controversies? How do games invite, or even push players towards dark play through their design? Where are the boundaries for what can be presented in a games? Are these boundaries different from other media such as film and books, and if so why? What is the allure of dark play and why do players engage in these practices?

- Routledge Advances in Game Studies: The Dark Side of Game Play : Controversial Issues in Playful Environments (2015, Hardcover) ebook FB2, MOBI, TXT

Lucky players evaluate their trick winning potential, recognise and grab opportunities, maximizing their score over all the likely distributions of the cards.Accidentally overhearing a plot to kidnap the niece of a prominent rancher as she arrives from the East, Milt Dale springs into action.Divided into three distinct sections, this premiere volume captures the distinctiveness of different game types, the forms of play they engender and their social and cultural implications.Louis Cardinals to go on and become world champions and Justin Verlander's comments on pitching a no-hitter for the Detroit Tigers in 2007.Everywhere IP policies are being re-written to encourage open innovation and to source knowledge from wherever it may best be found.The Football Association?Fantasy Life explores the increasingly ubiquitous world of fantasy sports.George Whitfield, profiled in the New Yorker and called the "Quarterback Whisperer," gets a regular spot on ESPN's College GameDay, Trent Dilfer, former Super Bowl quarterback, starts his own qb business, Steve Clarkson, another qb maker, gets profiled on 60 minutes, among many others.Another measure of Dean Smith's legacy is his profound impact on the lives of the players he coached.Koger covers everything a new coach needs to know: the rules of the game, the layout of the field, the logistics of finding playing space, setting up practices, and even handling pesky problem parents.It also covers recent topics in game theory such as level-k reasoning, best reply matching, regret minimization and quantal responses.Pitchers Fritz Peterson and Mike Kekich swapped not only their wives but also their children, station wagons, and pets.